At the end of September, 2018, Society President, Giancarlo Chitto, representing Fabiano of Christ Benevolent Society, travelled to Salvador Bahia, Brazil to visit Mansao do Caminho (Mansion of the Way) to hold discussions regarding upcoming projects.
In 2017, we at Fabiano offered to raise $500,000 to build a college for highschool graduates of the Mansao (Mansion of the Way). This college would offer a three year course which could lead to university if the student wished.
The original intention was to erect a new building on the grounds, however, due to the poor economic climate in the country the directors decided that a more frugal approach was necessary. The new plan is to restructure an existing building to house the college, thus freeing up funds for other badly needed projects which would make the Mansion of the Way self sufficient and safe.
These projects will include:
1) an semi artisian well
2) a new pedestrian only entry gate
- building a ramp which would provide better access to the college and
- Installation of solar panels to provide electricity.
Fundraising efforts have begun and we are looking forward to providing many children with the opportunity for higher education as well as continuing our work on existing projects.