Divaldo Franco and Nilson de Souza Pereira devoted their lives helping the unprivildged people in Salvador, Brazil, since 1952, giving homes to orphaned and abandoned children. These children and other poor children are educated and looked after, later learning a trade or profession.
Divaldo Franco is a renowned Spiritist author and has written many books. He also gives many lectures every year and it is from the proceeds of these books and lectures, together with donations, that enables the continuity of this noble work. However, it is difficult to continue without sufficient resources, even though most of the staff members are volunteers.
Since 1952 the facilities have been extended and now incorporate many buildings, such as:
There is a Day Care for babies and infants. Here, mothers can leave their children in safety during the day so that they can go to work. They leave them at 7:30 a.m and pick them up in the evening at 5:00 p.m. Experts who have visited this facility consider it to be a model of excellence for both the facilities and the services offered.
The Day Care is built on two levels. The ground floor is used for the direct care of the babies and infants and includes: cribs, recreation room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room and an infirmary. There is also a solarium where children can not only play and be protected but also receive the benefit of the sunshine. The children can play happily with educational toys and there are sufficient toys for every child. The upper floor is reserved for the services of the administrative and technical support staff.
The children receive meals five times a day and are also given a meal for the mothers to take home for consumption by the child when away from the day care. They also receive all the required medicine and medical assistance.
Periodically, mothers, children and administrative staff get together and the mothers receive special training in child care. Wherever possible, the mothers are expected to occasionally give four hours of their time to help in the day care as volunteers. All staff and volunteers work together in close harmony with the mothers because they know that the services given in the day care are building a better future for the children.
As in all schools, there are various grades of education for children of all ages and they are taught by professional teachers. These schools operate on a daily basis from Mondays to Fridays. The children also receive meals during the time they are at school.
Escolas Profissionalizantes
For older children, there are classes teaching various trades such as shoe repairs, printing, bakery, crafts, typing, mechanics, nursing, and computer skills, etc.
Outras Infraestruturas
Within the infrastructure there are doctors and dentists. There is also a medical laboratory and a library.
Terceira Idade
There are volunteers that help the aged, handicapped and terminally ill people, requiring palliative care. They are also given the basic necessities, plus medicine, blankets, clothing and shoes, etc.
Periodically, the volunteers try to obtain donations of mattresses, cooking utensils etc. in order to help the poor people and sometimes money is given in order to assist them to pay rent, water and electricity.
For additional information please watch “Mansão do Caminho’s video" ou visite o site deles em mansaodocaminho.com.br.